Sunday, December 9, 2007

Homework 6

Do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?
I don't really like the idea of having a mass wedding. To me that seems very impersonal. A wedding should be about celebrating the love between two people, not two-thousand people. I have no problem with eloping, or having a foreign wedding. Personally I think the big fancy weddings that are popular in Japan and America are too much. I'd much rather have a small personal ceremony with family and a few close friends. Otherwise it becomes way too complicated, and ends up being annoying rather than fun.

What is your ideal wedding?
Well, this is not something I really sit down and think about. But as I said before, I'd like it to be something small, with only a few people, and very personal. Nothing fancy, but it probably won't matter what I want anyway. It's all about what the bride wants!


tulalup said...

Hi, it's cute that you said that "it's all about what the bride wants!" i think bride have more ideas or strong hope for wedding, so i think that's true ^^

みーこ said...

Your ideal wedding is very nice!! I think most important invited guests are relatives and friend. Japanes people often invite their boss of work place, but I don't want to do it so much. I want to having a wedding with only my precious persons.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with your opinion. I want everybody to celebrate it about a wedding ceremony.However, the wedding ceremony should do what each other understood as you say.

spagetti said...

I don't agree with your opinion. I want everybody to celebrate it about a wedding ceremony.However, the wedding ceremony should do what each other understood as you say.

green said...

I like your idea. "A wedding should be about celebrating the love between two people, not two-thousand people" is very good. I think you will be a good husband!

seaman said...

Rolf said: it's all about what the bride wants!" Thats true(lol
Perhaps it will be needed a lot of money so thats pain for men.

yoppy said...

Perhaps, you will be nice husband!!
In case of wedding, it is important to ask what bride wants because most women have their own idea for wedding.For example, wedding style, dress, place etc..

Candy said...

I want to have a big wedding, and my pearents want me to big one. However I agree with your opnion. I think small wedding can have a really wonderful one!!

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